
Historic Government sponsored clean energy posters from… 2016

You don’t have to go all the way back to the New Deal era to see government sponsored inspirational art. Way back in the future of 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Programs released a set of WPA-style posters celebrating America’s post Recovery Act clean energy revolution.

Inspired by iconic New Deal-era posters, the Energy Department created its own poster series to highlight projects it helped finance. Here are just a few samples:

The Recovery Act contained within it “the largest clean energy bill in US history, some $90 billion worth of investments, of which the LPO loans were only a small fraction. The legislation helped double US renewable energy production and almost single-handedly created several enduring domestic clean energy industries.”

So really, you don’t have to go all the way back to 1932 to point to major transformational government investments in energy infrastructure. If we were able to make those kinds of investments only 10 years ago, imagine what we might be able to pull off through a Green New Deal program!

1 Comment
  • Jonathan Gorham
    Posted at 07:16h, 23 October

    We have developed an education, engagement, and fundraising art medium which has been used successfully for over a decade for climate change work, including for use at our local, organic farm. See: