
When Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast in November 2012, it completely changed New York artist and director Sarah Cameron Sunde’s perception of time, duration, and scale. 36.5 / A Durational Performance with the Sea is a series of performance works and video works that engage people on personal, local, and global scales in conversations around deep time and sea-level rise.

It can feel daunting to look forward when the past is still unresolved and the present so precarious. It can also feel pointless to dream up an entire new world when the one we're in is needing all hands on deck just to put out one (metaphorical and literal) fire after another. I've certainly had my share of moments just since the launch of The Art of the Green New Deal during which I questioned the validity of taking a bigger and longer view when the hardship and loss (experienced disproportionately by those who did the least to cause it) is so tangible right now.