
Green New Deal Arts Kit for carrying the message in the street

Just in time for the Global Climate Strike,’s Green New Deal Arts Kit comes as the perfect tool to help people carry the Green New Deal message in the streets.

Through the Green New Deal Arts: Signs of the Times project — launched in partnership with Labor Network for Sustainability and coordinated by David Solnit — five of the most engaged artists in North America have created these beautiful pieces of art to be shared by anyone to bring attention to and fight for the most important social and structural transformation of our time.

Left to right: Mona Caron, Jan Burger, Molly Crabapple, Ricardo Levins Morales, Isaac Murdoch

The images can be used to make signs, create posters, screen print on fabric or paper, print stickers, project them on walls at night, use them online, hand color the black and white versions, and whatever else you might think of. The Art Kit includes tools and resources on how to use these images as well as others. Solnit hopes they will also encourage community collaborations of everyone’s own images, songs, poems, dance, or theater performances.

We need more than dire warnings about the future. We need artists to create images of the better and more beautiful world we want to build.

Molly Crabapple

Featured Image: David Solnit and Sven Eberlein at the Global Climate Strike. (photo: Debra Baida)
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